NBA Basketball PicksSports Betting Picks

NBA Betting Pick: 76ers Face the Cavaliers

In our latest NBA Betting Pick, we are taking a look at the 76ers as they face off with the Cavaliers. If you want to learn how to bet on the NBA, you can read a lot of betting guides and tutorials. For now, you can check our latest pick – find out the latest about both teams, and what we think will happen in their game.

Looking at the game at its face value, you would automatically think this is the Cavaliers game to lose. This will be a home game for the Cavs as well, and we all know that the Cavs have been performing well for fans watching live. If you are learning how to become a bookie, factors like this can mean a lot when handicapping your games, so make sure you keep track of these things.

NBA Betting Pick: 76ers Face the CavaliersPrediction and Analysis for 11/30/2022

The Cleveland Cavaliers are currently 13-8 this season. They had an 8-1 start, followed by a five-game losing streak. Then they won 5 out of 7 games since November 18. They are continuing on this momentum that many of the best sports betting websites are keen on making money on. While the Cavs’ have a decent offense, it really was their defense that is carrying the team right now.

The 76ers are in for a bit of a worry due to roster problems. You have James Harden and Tyrese Maxey down and out for the meantime. But Joel Embiid and Shake Milton are picking up the slack, so they have that going for them.

76ers at Cavs NBA Betting Picks

Game Time: 7:00 PM Local Time

Bet on the Cavs -3.5

The Cavs are 11-8-2 ATS this year. They are 3-4 ATS in their last 7 games. Meanwhile, the Sixers are 12-8-1 ATS, and 7-2 ATS in their last nine games. Now, the trends are looking better for the 76ers. But if you look at the match-up between the two teams, the Cavs are clearly the stronger ones, and more likely to win with a good margin.


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